Vaneza Calderon

Vaneza Mari Calderon (she/her/hers) is a multifaceted musician from Los Angeles’ San Gabriel Valley. Her love for the music of Mexico began as a young child, thanks to her hardworking parents who always kept the record player ready. As a pre-teen, she joined an after-school music program–a mariachi ensemble.

Learning how to play the guitarron (mariachi bass) at age 15 opened up a world of experiences, preservation, and creation. From theatre productions, community center programs, prisons, and backyards, Vaneza makes Mexican folk music accessible to people of many walks of life. She has facilitated collective/group songwriting since 2016 throughout Los Angeles, while also taking this craft across the country to create songs with community members as far away as Alabama. She focuses on a collective process which is rooted in the corrido form.

Currently, Vaneza is working in correctional facilities and community organizations, thanks to the organization Alliance for California Traditional Arts. When she is not performing as La Victoria, her Mexican folk-based music project, she can be found freelancing throughout Los Angeles and beyond. Although her beginnings were set in Mexican folk music, she loves to play the electric bass with the Chicano rock band Ollin.