SDG2, Food Security, and the Future of Food

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Topics: 07_JamesBeardFoundation: SDG2, Food Security, & the Future of Food, Food Security, Retreat, Retreat News

In partnership with the James Beard Foundation, Sunnylands hosted a three-day retreat on February 15-17 called “SDG2, Food Security, and the Future of Food.” Sunnylands was inspired to host this retreat by recent reports, including in the 2018 State of Food Insecurity (SOFI) report and elsewhere, demonstrating that global hunger and malnutrition are again on the rise, despite a plethora of global efforts.

To address this critical situation, Sunnylands convened 22 global experts in food security, agriculture, nutrition, philanthropy, culinary arts, and the private sector for discussions around the existing global effort to end hunger and, more specifically, what is currently working and what is not, and what interventions are needed to get the global effort back on track.

By bringing together top experts who work to end hunger on a daily basis, and asking them to think creatively and across sectors, the hope was to generate an atmosphere that not only clearly identifies specific challenges and opportunities, but also the creative solutions, interventions, and innovations for meeting them.