Public diplomacy – the forgotten but essential element in U.S.-Mexico relations

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Topics: 05_USC: Strong U.S.-Mexico Relationship, Civic Engagement, Global Cooperation, Retreat News

By Pamela Starr, director of the U.S.-Mexico Network at the University of Southern California


Jeffrey Phillips, director of policy for The Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands

The December inauguration of Andrés Manuel López Obrado (AMLO) as Mexico’s 58th president creates a tremendous opportunity in U.S.-Mexico relations. AMLO and President Trump have established a surprisingly cordial relationship that can serve as the foundation for better binational ties. But this improved landscape is still encumbered by the negative perceptions the two countries have of one another, which inevitably undermine policy outcomes. No two countries matter more to one another, while understanding and appreciating one another so poorly, than the United States and Mexico.

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