Sunnylands releases statement on the death of Leonard Aube
APRIL 10, 2015 — Geoffrey Cowan, president of the Annenberg Foundation Trust at Sunnylands (2010-2016), released the following statement today on the death of Leonard Aube, executive director of the Annenberg Foundation:
We are deeply saddened by the news of the death this week of Leonard Aube, a longtime friend and colleague.
Leonard was an extraordinary partner whose support and guidance was invaluable as we launched The Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands.
He was instrumental in the development of Sunnylands Center & Gardens and continued to advance the mission of Sunnylands through meetings we convened with the Annenberg Foundation and an important retreat we hosted for major foundation leaders in California.
Sunnylands will honor Leonard and celebrate his leadership by dedicating a bench in the Center gardens in his memory.
Everyone at Sunnylands extends condolences to Leonard’s wife, Robin, their children, Kaitlann and Kyle, along with our colleagues at the Annenberg Foundation as they mourn the loss of a caring and inspiring leader.
Click here for more information about Leonard Aube and his legacy at the Annenberg Foundation.