Protected: Mr. Robert Daly

Before coming to the Wilson Center, Robert Daly directed the University of Maryland China Initiative and served as American director of the Hopkins – Nanjing Center for Chinese and American Studies. He began work in U.S.-China relations as cultural exchanges officer at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing in the late 1980s. After leaving the Foreign Service, he taught Chinese at Cornell University, worked on television and theater projects in China as a host, actor (北京人在纽约), and writer, and helped produce a Chinese-language version of Sesame Street. He is a director of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations and American Mandarin Society and a member of the Task Force on U.S. China Policy. Mr. Daly’s analysis is featured regularly on NPR, C-Span, CNN, and the Voice of America. He has interpreted for Chinese leaders, including Jiang Zemin, and American leaders, including President James Carter.