Protected: Dr. Marco Marzano de Marinis

Dr. Marzano de Marinis, works for the International Fund of Agricultural Development, IFAD, a specialized agency of United Nations and International Finance Institutions. He deals with rural institutions (farmers organizations and smallholders), sustainable production and market development. Mr. Marzano de Marinis is also responsible for the IFAD revision of the innovation policy, the drafting of the IFAD Intellectual Property policy, and manages the Farmers Organizations for Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific ACP program (FOACP), a capacity building and development program developed jointly with the European Union aimed at fostering and strengthening the advocacy and policy programs of Farmers Organization in ACP regions.

Before Joining IFAD, Dr. Marco Marzano de Marinis worked as secretary general of the World Farmers’ Organisation, from 2012 to 2017, an International Organization which brings together national farmers’ organizations from all over the world. The mission of WFO is to represent and advocate on behalf of farmers in global policy fora, creating the conditions for the adoption of policies aimed at improving the economic environment and livelihood of about 1.5 billion producers and a rural community of 3.2 billion people. The secretary general performs its role by drafting and proposing policies related to agricultural issues, engaging in dialogue with International and Government institutions (UN, WTO, World Bank, OECD) and participating to relevant international policy fora, in which he distinguished himself for its reliability and credibility. Of particular importance are the activities conducted in the field of: value chain, food security, climate change, innovation and access to credit. The secretary general is also in charge of the replenishment of the Organization.

In March 2017, he was appointed by the UN Secretary General, Special Adviser on Antimicrobial Resistance. From 2015 to 2017, Dr. Marzano has acted as vice-chair of the Steering Committee on Trade Capacity and Standards (SCTCS), of the United Nation Economic Commission for Europe UNECE.

In his previous professional experiences, Dr. Marzano de Marinis worked for the World Intellectual Property Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations based in Geneva, Switzerland; DG Internal Market, European Commission in Brussels, and; DG Enterprise (IPR Helpdesk, Project) in Alicante. He also worked in the legal department of the International Trade Center (UNCTAD/WTO) and for the Vatican, Propaganda Fide, as financial officer.

He is a qualified attorney and a professor of Innovation at the Faculty of International Studies of the Second University of Naples (Federico Secondo); at the Faculty of Law of the University of Rome (Tor Vergata); and at the faculty of Political Science Luiss Guido Carli. He also teaches Business Management of Innovation at the University of Technology of Panama.

Dr. Marzano de Marinis graduated in law at the University of Rome (Tor Vergata), Italy. He also studied at the Faculty of Law of Alicante, Spain. He studied European Legal studies LLM, at the College of Europe, Bruges, Belgium; and obtained at Tor Vergata an LLM on International Comparative Private Law. At the University of Rome, he also obtained his Ph.D. in Intellectual Property. Moreover, Dr. Marzano de Marinis is the author of many publications and fluently speaks English, French, Spanish, and Italian as his mother tongue.