Protected: Erin Sikorsky

Erin Sikorsky is director of the Center for Climate and Security (CCS), and the International Military Council on Climate and Security (IMCCS). She is an expert in geopolitical risk, strategic forecasting, and the national security implications of climate change, particularly the nexus of geopolitical competition and climate change.

Previously, Erin served as deputy director of the Strategic Futures Group on the National Intelligence Council (NIC) in the United States, where she co-authored the quadrennial Global Trends report and led the U.S. intelligence community’s environmental and climate security analysis. She was the founding chair of the Climate Security Advisory Council, a Congressionally mandated group designed to facilitate coordination between the intelligence community and U.S. government scientific agencies. Prior to her position on the National Intelligence Council, she worked as a senior analyst in the U.S. intelligence community for over a decade, leading teams examining conflict and instability risks in Africa and the Middle East, and won the National Intelligence Analysis Award.

Ms. Sikorsky is an adjunct professor at George Mason University, where she designed and teaches a course on climate change and national security. She was recently appointed to the Secretary of the Interior’s Advisory Council on Climate Adaptation Science and serves as a consultant for the U.S. Defense Science Board. She is a contributing editor at Lawfare, a member of the Climate Migration Council, and serves on the advisory board of the Smith College Center for Environment, Ecological Design and Sustainability. She is regularly featured in television interviews on CNN, the BBC, and the Weather Channel, as well as public radio shows and podcasts such as The World, Here and Now, Chatter, and America Adapts. She has published articles in a range of outlets, including Foreign Policy, Survival, Lawfare, and War on the Rocks. Ms. Sikorsky earned a Master of International Affairs at Columbia University, and a Bachelor of Arts in government from Smith College.