Vice Minister Daniel Legarda Tourma

Quiteño and economist, with a background in foreign trade, Daniel Legarda Touma has a master’s degree in business management, a diploma in competitiveness, and several training courses on public policy, trade, and business. He has worked as a professor of macroeconomics at the undergraduate level, and business competitiveness at the postgraduate level, and has carried out consulting and advisory activities.

Between 2012 and 2020, Legarda Touma served as vice president and executive president of the Ecuadorian Federation of Exporters (FEDEXPOR). He participated in Ecuador’s trade negotiations with the European Union and the subsequent incorporation to the Trade Agreement in 2016. Since March 2020, he has held the position of deputy minister of foreign trade of the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment, and Fisheries, a space from which he has promoted the strategic trade opening with trade agreements with Chile, the United Kingdom, EFTA, and first phase with the United States.